Registration for this schedule starts on 11/03/2023 and ends on 01/21/2024
Participants must currently be 9 years to 100 years old.
For children and adults alike! In this two-time class, participants will create their own spoon by using a whittling knife. We will start by coal burning the inner bowls of the spoons. Then, we will use our knives to shape the outside of the bowl and the handle. We will use power cuts, V-cuts, and push cuts. Participants must be experienced with whittling to take this course. Participants should expect to use the full amount of time working on their project.
Participants should be at least 9 years old. If you have a strong, young whittler, shoot us an email at [email protected].
You may bring your own whittling knife or you may borrow one of ours.
Please contact New Village Farm if you have any questions.