Registration for this schedule starts on 12/17/2024 and ends on 06/20/2025
Participants must currently be 5 years to 6 years old.
Registration for this schedule starts on 12/17/2024 and ends on 06/27/2025
Participants must currently be 5 years to 6 years old.
Registration for this schedule starts on 12/17/2024 and ends on 07/04/2025
Participants must currently be 5 years to 6 years old.
Registration for this schedule starts on 12/17/2024 and ends on 07/11/2025
Participants must currently be 5 years to 6 years old.
Registration for this schedule starts on 12/17/2024 and ends on 07/18/2025
Participants must currently be 5 years to 6 years old.
Registration for this schedule starts on 12/17/2024 and ends on 07/25/2025
Participants must currently be 5 years to 6 years old.
Registration for this schedule starts on 12/17/2024 and ends on 08/01/2025
Participants must currently be 5 years to 6 years old.
Registration for this schedule starts on 12/17/2024 and ends on 08/08/2025
Participants must currently be 5 years to 6 years old.
Registration for this schedule starts on 12/17/2024 and ends on 08/15/2025
Participants must currently be 5 years to 6 years old.
Registration for this schedule starts on 12/17/2024 and ends on 08/22/2025
Participants must currently be 5 years to 6 years old.
Open to children ages 5-6, Pathfinders is a program designed to serve our youngest campers with smaller group sizes and a space all their own for exploration, imagination, and the joyful work of the farm. This program eases newcomers into the magic and responsibility of work with animals and plants at a more moderate pace. We follow a rhythm similar to Farm and Garden Camp; we spend our morning working with the animals and in the garden, and our afternoons are spent exploring the woods, quarry, fields, and marshes around the farm, and diving into the interests that emerge from the group. Projects can range from animal care, gardening, carpentry, wilderness skills, nature crafts, and whatever we dream up together.
Please contact New Village Farm if you have any questions.